Enchanti Devices are custom development boards designed for use with the T-Stick.
Enchanti Boards
The EnchantiS3 incorporates the ESP32-WROOM 2 Module from Espressif, ICM20948 IMU from TDK Invensense, and the MAX17262 fuel gauge from Analog Devices, alongside multiple JST headers for connecting external sensors and batteries.
The EnchantiTouch is a touch-sensing board using Cypress’ PSoC 4100S Max SoC. It supports up to 60 touch sensors through two 32 pin FFC connectors and multichannel scanning.
More detailed information can be found in their respective repositories:
- EnchantiS3: https://github.com/IDMIL/EnchantiS3
- EnchantiTouch: https://github.com/IDMIL/EnchantiTouch
Related Projects
- The T-Stick: https://www.idmil.org/project/the-t-stick/