
Anesio Azevedo Costa Neto



John Sullivan

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Visiting Researcher (alumni)


Anesio Azevedo Costa Neto is a multimedia artist and Philosophy teacher at Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP), Brazil.

Under the name “stellatum_,” Anésio Neto explores sounds, either recorded from Cerrado – natural environment in Brazil – or produced by himself to create audiovisual ambiances that aim to expand one’s perception of Nature by offering cues to perceive its owns length of time.

Sous le nom “stellatum_”, Anésio Azevedo Costa Neto explore les sons, soit enregistré à partir du Cerrado – un dominion/biome au Brésil – soit auto-produit, pour créer des ambiances audiovisuelles qui ont pour but d’étendre notre perception de la nature, en offrant des indices pour percevoir sa propre durée de temps. Anésio est professeur de philosophie à l’Institut Fédéral de Sao Paulo (IFSP) et un candidat au Doctorat de l’Université de Brasilia (UnB), au Brésil.

Bandcamp: https://stellatum.bandcamp.com/
Instagram: @stellatum_
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/an-sio-azevedo

Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user66471259


Research Statement:

The starting point for my research is to create mixed media artworks by using materials, sound and video recordings to bring forth the artist’s experience toward space and time within Cerrado’s landscapes.
On some of my early works, earth and the handwork related to it – likewise: the act of digging and handle the fragmental material composing part of the surface of the soil – are essential elements that gather much importance into the creative process. The action of handle the earth is an attempt to differentiate the materiality of the land into aesthetic ideas, a way to organize this “bleached and fractured world” (Smithson, 1968, p. 82) that surrounds the artist.
Although I look for establish for my ongoing research the creation of audiovisual performances that use reshaped sound and video recordings captured from the Cerrado environment, the search for understanding the dialectical spatial tension between natural environments and artworks that outgrowths from it occupy the central discussion that flows from the artistic inquiry; as our aesthetic and creative goals, we aim to enhance the sensation of immersiveness toward Cerrado/Nature by using immersive sound and visual stimuli that depicts the artist’s spatial-temporal experience in the site.

Research Areas:



  • Azevedo Costa Neto, A., Assunção de Araújo, N., Wanderley, M. M. (2021). Projeto: Cerrado: Unfolding Spaces. In 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts (ARTECH 2021). Aveiro, Portugal.
