
IDMIL welcomes visiting researcher Anésio (Azevedo Costa) Neto!


Lab News News


John Sullivan

Anésio is a Philosophy teacher at Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP), campus Votuporanga, and is a Ph.D. candidate for Universidade de Brasilia (UnB), Brasília, Brazil.

Under the name “stellatum_,” Anésio Azevedo Costa Neto explores sounds, either recorded from Cerrado (biome from Brazil) or produced by himself. Combining different sonic characteristics into ambiances, Anésio aims to expand one’s perception of Nature by offering cues to perceive its owns length of time. 

Anésio says that since he got his undergraduate degree in Philosophy, in 2010, he crossed many research fields to understand meanings, ways of expression, and artistic possibilities in Contemporary arts. For that reason, he states, “I decided to evolve my creative thinking and started my M.A. in Fine Arts at Universidade de Brasília, Brasil.” 

From that moment until now, Anésio has wondered ways of bonding artistic expression and more profound thoughts on how we perceive art and its relation toward science and nature. Thus, during his Ph.D. research (still a doctoral candidate) in Fine Arts (also at Universidade de Brasília), he decided to apply as a visiting researcher at McGill University and got very interested in IDMIL’s multi and interdisciplinary axes of research.  

I am willing to explore sonic perception by modifying the distribution, the trajectories, and the intensity of sound sources in a tridimensional spatial axis. With this, I aim to create an expanded ambient wherein people could experience an amount of Nature’s complexity that underlies what is possible to perceive. Hence, my primary intention as an art researcher is enhancing the sensation of immersiveness toward my audiovisual performances.”

Finally, Anésio also foresees to develop artistic uses to technology developed inside IDMIL and hopes to afford the researchers the assistance they might need. 


Anésio’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stellatum_/?igshid=ovs0u21f351z